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Grassroots Neighborhoods: Building a Shared Mission, 11-22
November 22, 2024
The Lyceum at Millwood featuring Dr. Shawna Beese
Friday 11-22-24, 6-8 pm
“Grassroots Neighborhoods: Building a Shared Mission”
The Lyceum at Millwood is proud to welcome Dr. Shawna Beese as the first speaker in our monthly gatherings, presented by Hope Roasters.
The Lyceum was the garden at Athens in which Aristotle taught philosophy, but we use the modern definition of a literary institution, lecture hall, or teaching place. We will be using the Millwood Masonic Center as the lecture hall and bringing in some of the most inspiring speakers to interact with.
The inaugural season will be centered around Dr. Beese’s topic of “Building a shared mission” for our neighborhoods, intermixed with wildcard subjects and speakers. Rules of public discourse will be strictly followed allowing different opinions to be shared and heard.
From Dr. Beese…